Serving the Community's Greatest Need

The Yorkton Kismen Club has been working diligently on their e-commerce option for Kinsmen Radio Bingo cards. In light of COVID-19, the Kinsmen are wanting to ensure everyone is able to stay safe, while social distancing, but allowing its supporters to be able to have access to bingo cards without having to be forced to going out in public and putting themselves and others possibly at risk. Use promo code “KINSMEN” when you buy your tickets and $10 from each one sold will be donated to our club! Join us at the Rath Eastlink Community Centre to welcome 2020, and support our community’s greatest need. Visit for more information and a link to purchase tickets.

COVID-19 Response Aid
Buy bingo tickets

The Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg is committed to helping Manitoba groups and organization affected by COVID-19, either directly or indirectly. We understand many fundraising efforts have been severely afffected by COVID-19 closures worldwide, yet continue to provide services to the community despite closures.

Endless Volunteer Opportunities

Kin Canada clubs offer opportunities for people of all ages, with different interests and time availability to volunteer. By volunteering with your local Kin Canada club at events and service projects, you will support the efforts of Kin members who are working together to better your community. You will enjoy volunteering with a diverse and spirited group and can create life-long friendships while having fun and working with others.

Through a variety of service projects organized by our clubs, Kin Canada has helped thousands, if not millions, of people in need. Kin members can proudly say they have contributed more than $1 billion to Canadian communities, including more than $40 million for cystic fibrosis research and treatment. They have also raised hundreds of millions of dollars for parks, playgrounds and community facilities, as well for individuals and families in need.

Giving Back to Your Community is Easy

Since 1920, Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin clubs have offered community-minded people — like you — the opportunity to make their town or city a better place to live.

Kinsmen, Kinettes and Kin clubs play a vital role in Canadian society by raising funds for worthy causes, undertaking community projects and providing leadership, training and networking opportunities for our members.

Thousands of Manitobans are doing their utmost to collect as many tickets as possible ahead of the Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo on Saturday — but some are going to extreme lengths to do so, the service organization says.

It is the highest jackpot ever for the weekly televised bingo game, at more than $640,000.

'Never in my almost three decades of hosting this show have I ever seen a city and an entire province go this bingo crazy,' host Kathy Kennedy told the CBC's Carol Off on As It Happens Wednesday.

Part of the problem is that the club can't print more tickets very easily, she said. They are printed in the U.S. and shipped to Manitoba.

The Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg, which runs the event, said in a social media post Tuesday that some especially bingo-crazed people were seen chasing the group's courier to get their hands on the scarce bingo cards.

'We have hordes of people driving dangerously FOLLOWING our courier driver like paparazzi and putting him in danger.… We will continue deliveries secretly at a later time,' it said.

The Kinsmen Club donates profits of the bingo game to various charities and organizations in Winnipeg and Manitoba.

The weekly game — which airs every Saturday — is selling a record number of cards due to the massive jackpot.

On average, the club sells between 6,000 and 8,000 cards per week, but now it's up to about 50,000.

Deb Mukherjee, owner of Bergie's convenience store in Beausejour, said his customers are calling after hours to see if he has any tickets.

Kinsmen Tv Bingo

'We are in bed and then you get a phone call at 3 and 4 and 5 and you wake up quickly. This kind of problem, you know, you get kind of stressed out,' he said.

Those who come in person want more tickets than he can provide.

'People came, 'Oh, I want 10 tickets, why aren't you selling me 10, 20, 30?' I said, 'Well, we do not have. We only got 100 tickets, that's all. We do not have much tickets.' That was a big problem,' Mukherjee said.

The Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg added in its social media post that players are calling the office to harass staff over cards.

If you are going to call our office and yell and swear at our staff accusing us of hoarding cards and playing favourites, I'm not going to share information anymore.- Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg social media post

'If you are going to call our office and yell and swear at our staff, accusing us of hoarding cards and playing favourites, I'm not going to share information anymore,' the Facebook post said.

Kennedy said says she's excited about Saturday and to 'end the madness.'

'Everybody relax and remember, this is a game for charity and raising incredible funds for charity,' she said.

Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo Tickets

'It's bingo everybody. It's just bingo.'